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Notes from Villanova University School Of Law - CSE Institute

Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law

The Institute to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation


Agenda and Notebook from Oct 13, 2023 Symposium
Notes from Combatting Commercial Sexual Exploitation

October 13, 2023

1. Equality Model

- most effective way to combat commercial Sexual Exploitation. Used in Sweden, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Italy, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Israel and in USA, the state of Maine

- Targets 3 areas

o Decriminalize the people who are exploited

o Provide robust social network

o Hold the pimps, clients, brothel owners accountable

- Started in Sweden as a feminine movement because inequality in the sex industry. Female victims were held responsible for the exploitation, the buyers, fueling the demand, had no accountability. Those exploited were abused twice.

- Addresses the problem that drives sexual exploitation (demand)

- Proposes a solution (education, provide safe havens, extend social services, include buyers in court system, inform of negligent rape)

2. Prostitution is not sex work

- Not a victimless crime

- Factors: race, sexual abuse, poverty, dominance, coercion, relationship power in-balance

- Who is taking advantage of the women and children? Buyers need to be held accountable.

- Affects society, family, marriages, and individuals negatively

- Promotes battery

- Because it buys another human being for your personal use, prostitution is slavery – victims have no other means or self-worth for another type of income

- Considered Rape with a Price Tag

- Is organized crime

- Men were tempted, so women were always blamed

- There is a global understanding that Prostitution is a form of violence

- Is always coerced because of socioeconomical status

- Is connected with pornography and domestic violence

- Oppresses, and maintains the oppression of women (and children and men) by men

3. Role of Politics in Developing Laws to Combat Commercial Sexual Exploitation – Joanna McClinton, House of Representatives, PA

- Act 130, Safe Harbor law (2019) took 4 years to pass, holds people/businesses accountable if a facility is being used for sex services, sets up a fund for victims from the fines of the traffickers and the buyers

- Title 18, survivors can get expunged from past sex exploitation arrests

- Senate Bill 45, PN 927 – ensures victims of Human Trafficking have access to services and removes third party control from the National Human Trafficking Resource Enter Hotline Notification Act.

- House Bill 394, PN 361 Reforming Venue for Human Trafficking Victims to Sue their offenders – victims can bring a civil action against a trafficker in the court of common pleas of the county where the individual resides or where any of the alleged violations occurred.

- Senate Bill 44, PN 976 Ensuring victims of human trafficking have access to services – provides for an additional offense under the trafficking in individuals and patronizing a victim of sexual servitude statutes and provide for additional Address Confidentiality Program affidavit criteria.

- You can check on many of the other bills on the PA General Assembly website.

Other Resources for Combatting Sexual Exploitation and supported by Villanova University CSE Institute:

Just Love Worldwide Tricia Grant

Rights4Girls Yasmin Vafa

World Without Exploitation (Survivor led National Campaign to end exploitation)


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