Sex Trafficking Resources: from Surviving to Thriving
Sex Trafficking Resources: From Surviving to Thriving
If you feel trapped, you probably are. Trust your gut.
Awareness happens in the quiet.
Sit and listen to words that bubble up, from below your heart.
Allow no one to interrupt them, dismiss the concerns, distract from the whisper.
What is it saying? To you, personally? Or, about a friend who is in too deep? A classmate who looks a little more lost than last week? A neighbor who comes and goes at odd hours of the night. The whisper gets stronger with information and then, you just know.
You are aware.
Using sex to survive may look like the only option and that's why the sex trafficked are not free - freedom always comes with choices. Hindering a person's ability to break from sexual expolitation is a primary goal of traffickers. Alcohol and drugs are used to dull awareness and keep people in the sex trade. website has free, fact-based addiction information to help break free from the coercion.
Bicycle health gives an in-depth summary of all the different types of sexual abuse, assault, and coercion. Attacks can be from people the victim does not know. But, "640 million women 15 and older have been victims of intimate partner violence from their spouse or romantic partner."
Covenant House Pennsylvania understands survival sex. They are much more than a shelter. They provide an array of services for young men and women experiencing homelessness, including a first-class clinic, staff to help with going to college and finding a job, and one-to-one support to help young people plan, stay on track, and achieve their goals.
Dawn's Place in Philadelphia provides hope and healing to women escaping the trauma of sex trafficking. They are not a crisis center but can offer support and care once a person is in a safe place. For immediate assisstance contact the Human Tracking Hotline 1 888 3737 888 or 911.